Vata – Diet and Lifestyle that suits Vata

Vata comes from the elements of Air and Ether (Space). Because of this Vata has a lot to do with movement since Air or Wind move as well all the time. Therefore Vata governs all movement in the body, the activities of the nervous system and the process of elimination. It also controls the movement […]

Pitta – Diet and Lifestyle that suits Pitta

Pitta comes from the element of Fire. Because of that, it governs all heat, metabolism and transformation in the mind and body. It controls how we digest foods, the metabolism in the whole body right down to the cellular metabolism. It also controls how we metabolise our sensory perceptions and discriminate between right and wrong. […]

Kapha – Diet and Lifestyle that suits Kapha

Kapha governs all structure and lubrication in the body and mind. It controls weight, growth, lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all the cells and tissues. It is the principle that holds the cells together and forms the muscle, fat and bone. The primary functions of Kapha are building and protection. Qualities of […]