Are you ready to take the Mindfulness Journey?
Do you need help to access the self belief, enthusiasm and passion you need to consistently make empowered choices so that you can be, do or have the things in life and business you most desire?
Explore mindfulness to help you manage stress, feel calmer and more balanced. I run regular mindfulness courses in Nelson and Richmond.
Get to the heart of your concerns as the first step in a journey towards wholesome long term changes. I offer one-on-one mindfulness sessions in person or online via Skype or Zoom.
Mindfulness can transform a workplace by improving focus, motivation, productivity, connection, and teamwork. Millions of research studies are proving the effectiveness of mindfulness and it can be the key to unlocking our brains full potential.
Get online access to simple mindfulness techniques to help you live your life to the fullest and transform the way you feel about your life. This course will help you deal with stress and so much more. Price $39.60 NZD
We’re living in a time of the glorification of ‘busy’. Always working, always going, juggling way too many things at once, because that is what our lives demand.
We have no time to truly unwind, as we are immersed in the hustle and bustle of life while we often neglect the meaning of living. This leads to high stress levels and having no time to focus on our so very crucial mental and physical health and well-being.
Jamila is a certified Mindfulness Teacher and Practitioner.
Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment. It’s about being present with what we are doing and being focused. It is being aware and practicing non-judgement. It helps you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and to deal with them in a positive way; instead of feeling overwhelmed by them, you are able to manage them constructively. Mindfulness is a powerful way to bring balance into every aspect of your life.
This Oxford University study showed that people who practiced mindfulness for one month experienced up to a fifty percent reduction in anxiety levels, depression and stress. Harvard, Oxford and Stanford Universities offer mindfulness courses. Mindfulness meditation is not just a trend but a proven method for success.
You too can enjoy the benefits of a more conscious and happy life with a focus on holistic physical and mental wellbeing.
Regular mindfulness practice can:
But you don’t have to take my word for it, just see what the people I have worked with have to say about how mindfulness has changed their life…
We all face the daily struggles and pressures that often hinder success and motivation, but the beauty of mindfulness is that it helps you learn to deal better with the very factors that often get in the way of lasting results, such as stress, uncertainties, insecurities or changes in circumstances.
It helps you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and to deal with them in a positive way; instead of feeling overwhelmed by them, you are able to manage them constructively.
You can integrate mindfulness practice into your everyday life.
The body responds to worry and stress by increasing the production of stress hormones. Increasingly, research evidence has suggested that reducing the level of stress hormones can help improve people’s health and wellbeing. One effective way of reducing stress levels is by learning mindfulness. You might be wondering if mindfulness is for you. Have a look at the video, it only takes 35 seconds. I would love to support you on your journey to wellbeing.
Jamila is a co-author of the book “Mindfulness for Challenging Times” – A collection of voices for peace, self-care and connection. Her chapter is part of the self-care section on Mindful Yoga.
“I believe this volume will not only remind those experienced in mindfulness of its many benefits, but will serve as a roadmap to many…”
Dr. James Doty, M.D. NYT
Bestselling author of “Into the Magic Shop” & founder of CCARE at Stanford University
Do you need help to access the self belief, enthusiasm and passion you need to consistently make empowered choices so that you can be, do or have the things in life and business you most desire?
Jamila: 027 644 6145
[email protected]
Kieron: 021 024 209 61
[email protected]
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