Why apple cider vinegar is good for you!
You can buy apple cider vinegar (ACV) in all supermarkets. A good example in New Zealand is Goulters apple cider vinegar (produced in Nelson) or
You can buy apple cider vinegar (ACV) in all supermarkets. A good example in New Zealand is Goulters apple cider vinegar (produced in Nelson) or
Ingredients 225 g butter, room temperature, cut into cubes, plus extra for greasing 450 g Bramley apples (or others), roughly chopped 200 g Medjool dates
I grew up in Germany, on a farm in the rural Rhine valley. Before I was born, my parents converted their farm from dairy cows
What is gluten? Gluten is a general name used to describe proteins found in wheat and other cereal grains such as spelt and rye and
Have you heard of insulin resistance? Simply put, it is a resistance to the uptake of glucose into the body’s cells. Elevated blood insulin levels
It’s always a good idea to have some healthy snacks on hand in the holidays – whether it is for you, your kids, or visitors.
Have you heard of ‘hunger’ hormones? Two hormones control how full we feel – feeling satiated after a meal or hunger pangs from an empty
A food craving is an intense desire to consume a specific food, stronger than simply normal hunger. Most of us have had food cravings at
I first tried fasting back in 1991, while I was living in Germany. I was young and exploring everything new and healthy on the market.
What do Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah), Buckwheat and Chia seeds all have in common? All three are gluten-free and all three are plant seeds, not to
You may have heard a lot about coconut oil recently – it’s reputed to be one of the new “Superfoods” on the market. But is
Are you getting enough iodine in your diet? Iodine is a vitally important nutrient that is detected in every organ and tissue and many if not
Zinc is arguably the most important mineral in your body. It is one of the minerals men should never be without (see info lower down
Vata comes from the elements of Air and Ether (Space). Because of this Vata has a lot to do with movement since Air or Wind
Pitta comes from the element of Fire. Because of that, it governs all heat, metabolism and transformation in the mind and body. It controls how
Kapha governs all structure and lubrication in the body and mind. It controls weight, growth, lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all
You have all heard the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But honestly, how many take this saying seriously? I think we
Magnesium is one mineral that we usually don’t get enough of even with a healthy diet. Magnesium is difficult for the body to digest and
When you need a high-energy fix, do you reach for an Energy bar or Energy drink? Or do you resort to caffeine, chocolate, or high-sugar
Do you need help to access the self belief, enthusiasm and passion you need to consistently make empowered choices so that you can be, do or have the things in life and business you most desire?
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Kieron: 021 024 209 61
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